By Nguyen Thi Cam Thieu and Thai Huynh Phuong Lan

After two years of implementation, the BRIMOFOT management team organized a final workshop with the title, “Learning some lessons from gender equality and participation research in transboundary wetlands management of the upper Mekong Delta The workshop was held on 28 October, 2022 in Long Xuyen city, An Giang province, the home of An Giang University.

The Conference attracted more than 60 delegates and participants such as experts from domestic and foreign research institutes and universities; representatives of departments and agencies of Kien Giang and An Giang provinces; officials of farmer unions and farmers in Nhon Hung and An Phu communes, Tinh Bien district, An Giang province, and lecturers and students from Kien Giang and An Giang universities.

Image 6. Dr. Thai Huynh Phuong Lan – Head of Rural Development & Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, An Giang University presented the results of research conducted in the Tinh Bien district focal villages, An Giang province.
Opening the Conference, Dr. Duong Van Nha (Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kien Giang University), project leader, shared that BRIMOFOT project was conducted in villages located along the border area between Vietnam and Cambodia. Specifically, the study area included Nhon Hung and An Phu communes of Tinh Bien district, An Giang province and Kampong Krasaing and Sangkom Mean Chey communes of Borei Chulsar district, Takeo province (Cambodia). Among other goals, the project studied the participation of women and other marginalized groups in wetland resource management institutions It was hoped that eventually the research might help to increase their participation in institutional decision-making to improve levels of social equity in wetlands and water management in the transboundary Mekong Delta, (Image 2).

Image 8. Other key speakers contribute to the workshop
In the seminar, the speakers focused on presenting and sharing some observations, lessons and experiences regarding participation and gender equality in the management of wetland resources at the local, district and provincial levels on both sides of the international border. Additionally, there was discussion about the gaps between present national policy in both gender promotion and water resources management and practices at a more local level. Recommendations were offered for ways to close the gaps and better mainstream gender in water resources management.

Image 10. University lecturers, state officials and representatives from local groups gave their opinions and comments at the workshop on the research findings and conclusions.
Through this workshop, it is hoped that the BRIMOFOT project has contributed to raising awareness of gender and social equality issues in water and wetland resource management, creating more spaces for marginalized groups to have their voices heard, thereby adding to more sustainable management of wetlands resources in the Mekong Delta. It is recognized though that this is a work in progress and much more needs to be done to improve participation of women, poorer households and ethnic minorities in management institutions and fora.
Image 11. Farmers and Representatives of the Farmers' Union shared their opinion at the Workshop.
Image 12. Feedbacks and explanation from BRIMOFOT team from audients’ comments
