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The BRIMOFOT project
Bringing more than food to the table: precipitating meaningful change in gender and social equity-focused participation in trans-boundary Mekong Delta wetlands management
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Water Resources Issues
Duong Thanh
Chinese dams, pollution send Vietnamese in Mekong Delta in search of greener pastures
Three years ago, a lack of job prospects in his Mekong Delta hometown led Truong Ba Long, 33, to move to Vietnam’s economic hub of Ho Chi...
Duong Thanh
Sarus Crane’s number declining in The Mekong wetlands
The wetlands of the Mekong River basin are essential for biodiversity and for the livelihoods of millions of Mekong inhabitants, either...
Duong Thanh
Adapting to rapid change: the challenges facing the Khmer community of the Vietnam Mekong Delta
By Thanh Duong and David Blake An introduction to the Khmer community The Vietnamese portion of the Mekong Delta (VMD) has a long history...
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