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The BRIMOFOT project
Bringing more than food to the table: precipitating meaningful change in gender and social equity-focused participation in trans-boundary Mekong Delta wetlands management
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Water Resources Issues
Duong Thanh
As climate changes, Mekong farmers try floating rice
Mekong Delta farmers turn to indigenous rice strain to counter unpredictable floods as upstream dams affect water flow AN GIANG, VIETNAM...
Duong Thanh
Elderly fleeing Mekong Delta as climate change hits
Vietnamese farmers flee the Delta for city jobs as climate change, droughts and creeping saltwater take a toll. HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM...
Duong Thanh
New report highlights the loss of wetlands in the Lower Mekong region and resulting consequences
New report highlights the loss of wetlands in the Lower Mekong region and the consequences for biodiversity, climate and the well-being...
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